Tuesday, September 30, 2008
So Typical

'Tis the Season
Tomorrow is the first day of October.. which made me feel that it was necessary to go out and by bags and bags of Halloween candy for the office. Now I’m off to yoga on my little sugar high.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Street Smells
During my 10 block walk at lunchtime, my sense of smell was extremely powerful to the point where I picked up on a variety of aromas:
-Cigarette smoke
-My favorite falafel truck
-A very strong cologne on a man 10 paces away from me
-Steam bellowing up from the subway grates
-Roasted nuts in those carts
-NY pizza pie baking up a storm
-Garbage.. lots of it
I decided to block out all sounds except for the music in my ipod. The city can be overly stimulating at times.
-Cigarette smoke
-My favorite falafel truck
-A very strong cologne on a man 10 paces away from me
-Steam bellowing up from the subway grates
-Roasted nuts in those carts
-NY pizza pie baking up a storm
-Garbage.. lots of it
I decided to block out all sounds except for the music in my ipod. The city can be overly stimulating at times.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Seasonal Eating

It has started. I had the most amazing butternut squash soup with my salad at lunch today. I also enjoyed a crispy golden apple that reminded me of going to the orchard when I was little and drinking apple cider (which I plan on doing this year!) It makes me happy that it's time for fall foods!
On that note...
I wanted to have a pumpkin carving this weekend with my girlfriends (who enjoy fall as much as I do). However, Megan reminded me that it is only September and that we still have a few more weeks to go. I guess I got a little ahead of myself!!
On that note...
I wanted to have a pumpkin carving this weekend with my girlfriends (who enjoy fall as much as I do). However, Megan reminded me that it is only September and that we still have a few more weeks to go. I guess I got a little ahead of myself!!
Slow Afternoon
My boss has been gone this week, and I have not had as much work to do. I need a project.
Probably a bad idea to bring peanut butter to work... I can't seem to stay out of it!
Reality TV
It is just awful. Although I am guilty of watching a few shows, (mostly because my friends and I can always get a good laugh), I think it is a poor excuse for entertainment and the "actors" are being paid way too much.
I love this quote:
"The bluebird carries the sky on its back."
— Henry David Thoreau
My boss has been gone this week, and I have not had as much work to do. I need a project.
Probably a bad idea to bring peanut butter to work... I can't seem to stay out of it!
Reality TV
It is just awful. Although I am guilty of watching a few shows, (mostly because my friends and I can always get a good laugh), I think it is a poor excuse for entertainment and the "actors" are being paid way too much.
I love this quote:
"The bluebird carries the sky on its back."
— Henry David Thoreau
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My Daily Bread
More Inspiration?
“ I keep saying I gotta start working out. It’s been about two months since I’ve worked out. And I just don’t have the time. Which is odd, because I have the time to go out to dinner… And watch tv… And get a bone density test… And try to figure out what my phone number spells in words."
--Ellen DeGeneres
Ellen, I couldn't have said it better myself.
Time to get to the gym!
Inspiration for Today
“I dare you, while there is still time, to have a magnificent obsession."
--William Danforth
--William Danforth
Monday, September 22, 2008
So Much Loveliness
Inspiration for Today
"When you are inspired, dormant forces, faculties, and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be."
— Patanjali, ancient yogic scholar
— Patanjali, ancient yogic scholar
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
What's Cookin'?
Friday, September 19, 2008
Little Giant, Big Meal
These scallops were fabulous and came with a tomato/corn salad. Well done.
The meat-eaters also had delicious dishes with pretty presentation and lots of flavor!
Little Giant is such a homey and hip Lower East Side restaurant for both brunch and dinner. The menu is seasonal and has been different and interesting each time I have gone. We contimplated dessert, but decided it was not a good idea because we had a long night of partying ahead of us! We enjoyed the candel-lit cozy ambiance and of course, each others' company.
Stopped in the Park
Today during a shopping outing with some girls from work, I was interviewed in Bryant Park by Leon Hall from http://www.shezoom.com/ about my outfit! It was exciting to be caught off- guard and picked out of a crowd. The interview was fun and Leon was a congenial guy, as he gave several compliments/comments on my ensemble. Excerpts from all of the interviews will be posted online. The first question he me asked was, "So what were you thinking when you got dressed this morning?" which, I guess is something every New York woman should be prepared to answer.
I want this

Today I decided to treat myself and the girls in the office to some tasty vegan treats! After reading a review of Cake Shop in Time Out New York which featured two amazing desserts, I decided to pay the hipster hole-in-the-wall a little visit. After all, it is located just down the street.
It is easy to turn your nose up to something that is 'vegan' if you aren't familiar with that particular lifestyle. However, those who don't give it a try are truly missing out. Featured above is the "Chocolate Bomb" (chocolate & peanut butter goodness with a light, fluffy texture) and the "Pumpkin Whoopie Pie" (perfectly pumpkin for the transition to fall, with a sweet creamy middle). They were both heavenly and I will be stopping by Cake Shop more often.
Nothing is better than an afternoon indulgence. As my vegan friend, Jessica put it... we were dropping bombs and making whoopie!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Falafel Fast -- Broken! I couldn't resist the aroma as I passed the truck today.
Play Day
Today my boss doesn't feel like working (this is a first). So we went to H&M to do a little fall shopping (as if I have money for this). Then we went to Barns & Nobles to buy this vampire book series she has been into. The movie is coming out in November (Twilight), should be a good one. Now, we are hangin in the office listening to music and she is reading her book. We decided to put business aside for a little procrastination time. We also had to fix the sweet tooth craving by getting loads of candy from Duane Reade that we put in our festive pumpkin jar. This is the first time I have "done nothing" at work in months.. I better enjoy it while it lasts..
Play Day
Today my boss doesn't feel like working (this is a first). So we went to H&M to do a little fall shopping (as if I have money for this). Then we went to Barns & Nobles to buy this vampire book series she has been into. The movie is coming out in November (Twilight), should be a good one. Now, we are hangin in the office listening to music and she is reading her book. We decided to put business aside for a little procrastination time. We also had to fix the sweet tooth craving by getting loads of candy from Duane Reade that we put in our festive pumpkin jar. This is the first time I have "done nothing" at work in months.. I better enjoy it while it lasts..
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Yogi Love
My yoga class was amazing tonight. It's been awhile since I've hit the mat. My teacher Amme, who I adore and make an extra effort to make class on Tuesdays because I love her so much, had some major news. At the end of the class, she pulled me aside and told me she is pregnant and moving to London, where her husband is from. She was glowing, and I am so happy for her!
Amme also played a song during class called "Coconut Skins" by Damien Rice, as we were kicking up the wall for handstands. I was in the best mood because my brother recently put this song on a CD he made me, and it makes me so happy. She pointed out my favorite line of the song: "Tell 'em God just stopped by to forgive our sins and relieve us our doubt." Which basically could translate to: Everything is going to be alright, just keep smiling and and believing and being yourself. Amme has been such a positive influence on my spirit these past few months... what am I going to do without her?
Amme also played a song during class called "Coconut Skins" by Damien Rice, as we were kicking up the wall for handstands. I was in the best mood because my brother recently put this song on a CD he made me, and it makes me so happy. She pointed out my favorite line of the song: "Tell 'em God just stopped by to forgive our sins and relieve us our doubt." Which basically could translate to: Everything is going to be alright, just keep smiling and and believing and being yourself. Amme has been such a positive influence on my spirit these past few months... what am I going to do without her?
What is with me lately? I feel so tired. I think I am becoming addicted to coffee. Usually I am more of a tea person but lately that just hasn't been doing it for me. I perform way better at work when I have my caffeine.. this is probably a bad habit to get into.
Sappy September
Birthday Month:
Monday was my baby sister's birthday. I cried on Sunday night because I couldn't be with her.. (that, and the eruptive emotions due to pms and a full moon?) Apparently she cried too, which I found out via the sweet, sappy drunk text I found the next morning. I love her so much and she is growing up so fast!
My boyfriend's birthday is this coming Sunday. I miss him so much! It has been over a month since we've seen each other. I am pretty excited about his next trip to come see me. It will be good to pull him away from his law school studies for a weekend! Already counting down the days...
September makes me sad because I can't be with two of the people I love most on their birthdays. Pity party for one, tonight...
Monday was my baby sister's birthday. I cried on Sunday night because I couldn't be with her.. (that, and the eruptive emotions due to pms and a full moon?) Apparently she cried too, which I found out via the sweet, sappy drunk text I found the next morning. I love her so much and she is growing up so fast!
My boyfriend's birthday is this coming Sunday. I miss him so much! It has been over a month since we've seen each other. I am pretty excited about his next trip to come see me. It will be good to pull him away from his law school studies for a weekend! Already counting down the days...
September makes me sad because I can't be with two of the people I love most on their birthdays. Pity party for one, tonight...
Friday, September 12, 2008
Rainy Day
There is a chill in the air today brought in by the stormy weather. I am so in the mood for sitting in a cozy cafe with a hot chai latte and a vegan cupcake!
The Show

Siriano's show went beautifully!
He chose a gray shade for many looks, adding a bright accent color like orange or green. The gowns at the end of the show were gorgeous and the big hats were my personal favorite. He selected the tallest, fiercest models for the show, who all rocked painted eyebrows and the same Aldo shoes, which Christian hand-painted and made each one with special details to complete the outfit. Of course, Heidi was there fully supporting her favorite Project Runway winner, looking flawless as ever. Tim, Heidi and Nina all agreed that the show was "classy and sophisticated" and that Christian has the mature ability to focus on an idea and cohesively execute it well.
The after party at High Bar went swimmingly, except for a few lame Real World/Road Rules challenge contestants who decided to show up uninvited. All in all the night was fantastic and we are all anxiously awaiting the reviews.
See all of his looks:
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Green w/ Envy

My friend Jamie is leaving now for her best friend, Christian Siriano's fashion show. There are over 1,000 guests invited (including all the big wig industry people) to witness the amazingness that is about to hit the runway. I can't wait to view the line on wwd.com after the show, it's goin to be "fierce."
Holy Falafel!
I have a new obsession with falafel that is cooked in the truck across the street from my building. I never considered myself to be the “street meat” type… but this lightly fried vegetarian mixture of mashed chickpeas, flavorful herbs & spices really hits the spot & keeps me full for hours!
The girls at my work love it just as much as I do; in fact one girl got falafel twice in one day when we worked late one night. It has gotten to the point where the falafel man knows each individual order and has it halfway ready as he sees us approaching the truck. Not only does he know what we want, but today he hooked me up with extra lettuce, tomato and sauce – that’s what I call service!
We are all on a streak of getting falafel with our regular home-made lunches as a side, leaving me stuffed like a turkey all afternoon. As I sit back in my chair with discomfort and lethargy, my co-worker and I have just decided it is time to give falafel a little rest… for at least a week.
The girls at my work love it just as much as I do; in fact one girl got falafel twice in one day when we worked late one night. It has gotten to the point where the falafel man knows each individual order and has it halfway ready as he sees us approaching the truck. Not only does he know what we want, but today he hooked me up with extra lettuce, tomato and sauce – that’s what I call service!
We are all on a streak of getting falafel with our regular home-made lunches as a side, leaving me stuffed like a turkey all afternoon. As I sit back in my chair with discomfort and lethargy, my co-worker and I have just decided it is time to give falafel a little rest… for at least a week.
Friday, September 5, 2008
From Bloomingdale's to Bloomington
Check out this article from the Wall Street Journal, it is hilarious. And we thought East Coasters taking over the popcorn machine at Sports Bar was bad!?
Check out this article from the Wall Street Journal, it is hilarious. And we thought East Coasters taking over the popcorn machine at Sports Bar was bad!?
Food for Thought
"Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you truly love."
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Thoughts Meander
Quiet Down, Up There!
I am blogging at 11:00 when I should be sleeping. I have been working until 7 or 8 pm every night this week and I am one sleepy girl. Too bad the people in the apartment above me sound like a herd of elephants performing a tap dance!
Ahh, Clarity..
I love writing. It clears my mind and winds me down. After neglecting my journal for the past two months, I finally purged a few thoughts on paper.
My friend taught me a new word today. Hangry: Hungry + Angry.
Not a good combo.
Loving these Lyrics Today:
I want so badly to believe that there is truth and love is real.
And I want life and every word, to the extent that its absurd.
--The Postal Service, Clark Gable
Shout Out
Grant started law school!! Yay, I am so proud of him!
My Body Hates Me
I couldn't tell you the last time I went to the gym, or went one day without dessert. Sure, I do yoga twice a week at least, but that is more for my mind and my soul. I have been a bit on the lazy side lately.
I Concur...
"The best smell in the world is the man that you love."
--Jennifer Aniston
Thank Goodness for DVR!
All my shows are starting this week and next: Gossip Girl, Entourage, the new 90210 (I'm giving it a shot), the Hills (although I think its a terrible show, I watch because my friend Alex is on it this season), America's Next Top Model (also, over-done, yet I keep up because my work friends and I watch during lunchtime and make fun of it), and others! I'm pretty sure I won't be able to keep up with them.
I find people who are genuine and considerate to be extremely refreshing.
My mom is going to paint my room (at home in Indiana) for me because the teal green on the walls now makes me want to vom. I know some of you have a lovely decorating sense (Megan).. so please throw some ideas my way!
Stepping Out of the (Recipe) Box:
My lunch tomorrow is something I have never tried. Brown rice cooked with coconut mylk and seasoned with cinnamon. It is comforting and hearty, with the thickness and creaminess of risotto and it's sweet to the taste buds. We'll see if it is worthy of repeating.
Love & Miss
Today my Inbox was full of emails from my best friends from home. I literally was laughing out loud at work reading some of them. It really made me miss those girls.
Soothe Me
I downloaded some yoga/meditation music. Maybe this will help my laziness-induced insomnia?
Time for bed!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The Find
Indecisive with friends on a Saturday night? Having a hard time choosing a spot to take your visiting parents for brunch? This little tool is pretty rad...
Squash Season!

As the leaves turn and the Indian summer fades to fall, our wardrobes shift and so do our appetites! One of my favorite things about fall is butternut squash and pumpkin-everything!
It is not quite here yet.. but the squash season is creeping up and I love it!
It is not quite here yet.. but the squash season is creeping up and I love it!
My lunch today was my very own random recipe consisting of:
quinoa, my new favorite grain
butternut squash, oven-roasted in coconut oil
dried cranberries
chopped walnuts
cinnamon & pumpkin spice seasoning
sea salt & cracked black pepper
I can't wait for squash soup, pumpkin pie, pumpkin lattes, candied sweet potatoes and all the other goodies mother nature will bring this season!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Fancy Feastin'
Labor Day weekend calls for a nice little gathering with friends.. and a plethora of food! Tasha, Megan and I had a grand time putting an Italian feast together at my apartment.
What is a fancy feast without dessert?? We had to go out to Teany to get some Vegan carrot cake and Pumpkin Teany Chinos!
Ahhh what a lovely little evening.
Creepy Critters
Makes for a lovely Sunday
Baked eggs with smoked salmon, ricotta cheese, and salad with a home-made vinaigrette.
The Brown Breakfast Platter with raisin-nut bread, fresh seasonal fruit, yogurt & granola with a drizzle of honey and fresh strawberry preserves.
The iced coffee is the best with a teaspoon of raw sugar, what a way to wake up!
How cute is this? Random, I love it.
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