Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hence my URL Title..

My Thoughts Meander...

No time to think!
My brain has been on OVERLOAD at work lately. New job, new responsibilities, new routine.. I am jumping right in and I haven't even had time for my own meandering thoughts!

No Wonder I Look Tired!
Yesterday, I forgot to wear mascara. It is one of those items that I just can't go without.
My co-worker told me I looked like I was stoned. All day long, I felt so naked!

Figs, What a Sexy Little (Fruit)
I have really been enjoying dried figs. Today I tried them fresh, and they are so gooey and delicious! I also came to find out that they are not a fruit, they are actually an inside-out flower. How lovely!

The Hills = Lame
I could make a valid argument about how The Hills is the worst show on MTV. I will keep my comments to myself, because this season a friend of mine, Alex, is actually on the show. The season premier was so unsatisfying and disappointing.. I really hope it gets better.

Mock Thanksgiving!
I am too poor to fly home for Thanksgiving, but I found a cheap flight for this weekend, so I am going home! I can't wait to see my family, as always, and guiltlessly indulge in an early turkey and the works.. if I'm lucky.

I get paid tomorrow. I've been spending money like it's going out of style!

Any Ideas??
I need suggestions. I am sick of my own cooking. I need to spend a day at Barnes & Nobles looking up recipes and getting a new cook book. Inspiration, anyone?

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